As long as we have Iron Maiden, everything is going to be alright. Thirty years on from their iconic Live At Donington recording – and 34 since their headline debut – they have done more than anyone to build what was once simply a motorsport circuit into the spiritual home of heavy metal. Spectacularly, even on their seventh turn at the top of the bill, they're still stubbornly tightening the bolts and raising the game. Reluctance to lean on nostalgia is a massive part of that. With the stage decked out like a Japanese tera, we're launched straight into the booming title-track from Senjutsu this evening, beginning what's effectively a mini-showcase of recent material. Samurai Eddie is straight into the fray, and frontman Bruce Dickinson's sporting a traditional topknot, emphasising the high theatricality at the heart of Stratego and The Writing On The Wall.