Kat has an instinctive, physical reaction to the notion of being in the public eye, putting their hands in front of their face when the question comes up. The concept of how one is perceived by other people sets her teeth on edge, and she doesn’t hide it. They’ve written about it before, particularly on 2023 EP Psychic Dance Routine, but they’ve still not quite gotten accustomed to the attention.
Sometimes, Kat doesn’t want to be seen, or to even take up space at all. Sometimes she wants to run away and be a hermit somewhere remote and inaccessible. They would never go ahead and indulge those impulses, but they often wrestle with them. This is what Are We All Angels track Special deals with.
“I’m communicating with a part of myself [in that song] that isn’t based in reality,” Kat explains. “There’s a small child in me that’s like, ‘No, I don’t want it anymore, I want to take this thing that is Scowl and break it on the ground.’ It’s an irrational point of view, from a deep, insecure, sad part of myself. But I’m also recognising that that isn’t feasible, that there isn’t a choice at this point.”
But how does being seen and judged actually feel?
“I feel on fire a lot, honestly,” Kat admits. “It feels very raw and terrifying, and sometimes I am literally out of my body.”
She does, however, have a way to cope.
“There’s this thing that happens for me, and I think probably a lot of people can relate to this, where I just lock the fuck in. I found a lot of comfort in drag, and how drag is like this character. I started to be very inspired by how Chappell Roan talks about her character and her drag. I found a lot of comfort in recognising that Kat Moss is a little bit of drag sometimes.
“It makes the anxiety and the sweaty palms and the discomfort of it all a lot easier, because I’m stepping into this form, and I don’t have to feel like I’m going to bed with that form, and all of the ideas and perceptions and opinions attached to it. They have nothing to do with who I am internally. Deconstructing that as a whole has helped so much.”