Slipknot's Eloy Casagrande explains the meaning behind his mask
Slipknot drummer Eloy Casagrande has spoken about his mask being both a tribute to Joey Jordison and his Brazilian culture...
Parents rejoice – playing your Slipknot will keep your child quiet... for a bit
Are children posers? Yes. Especially babies. Utter, utter posers. And wimps. Screaming and pooing everywhere may sound very punk rock and G.G. Allin, but really, kids are useless in a rock situation (also, actually, like G.G. Allin).
However, one Reddit user has discovered that playing his baby Slipknot will actually make it settle down and stop crying for five minutes. And while the original post from Reddit has been removed, but it turns out the video is also on YouTube.
This isn’t the first time science has uncovered the link between rock and making kids shut up. Nine years ago, one YouTuber found that Satyricon were the perfect antidote to mindless screeching. So, thank you bands!
READ THIS: 9 metal videos your toddler will love