
Law-breaking, Ed Sheeran and that infamous T-shirt: Listen to Dani Filth on Kerrang! In Conversation

Extreme metal hero Dani Filth joins us on this week’s episode of Kerrang! In Conversation to talk all things Cradle Of Filth – from their anarchic early days to working with pop royalty…

Law-breaking, Ed Sheeran and that infamous T-shirt: Listen to Dani Filth on Kerrang! In Conversation
Kerrang! staff
James Sharrock

Welcome to episode number 29 of Kerrang! In Conversation, powered by KILLSTAR!

For this week’s instalment, K! Editor Luke Morton is joined by Cradle Of Filth’s very own Dani Filth at Nando’s Studio Soho for a spirited chat about all things evil and metal.

Diving into his first forays into heavy music, Dani reflects on the early days of Cradle, as well as getting in trouble with the law in the Vatican (thanks to Kerrang!), censorship, AI in music, the anarchic statement behind their infamous ‘Jesus is a c**t’ T-shirt, and so much more.

Dani also offers a few hints about the long-awaited Cradle Of Filth x Ed Sheeran collab…

Listen below on Spotify and Apple, or find us wherever you get your podcasts.

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