How long have you been a Knocked Loose fan?
"I'm very new! I'd heard their songs before, but had never properly listened to them till last week. I was like, 'Oh shit, I'm going to their gig, I need to prepare myself!'"
What other music are you into?
"At the moment I love Lorna Shore and Paleface – it's all I've been listening to on repeat at the minute."
What keeps you listening to heavy music?
"It's just how it makes me feel. It's therapeutic, in a way. It's a kind of cathartic experience, I'd say. I really enjoy it."
What's the maddest thing you've ever seen in a mosh-pit?
"Oh my gosh, well, someone's tit fell out while they were moshing. It was an interesting sight in the middle of the pit!"
What are you wearing today?
"I'm wearing some really baggy cargos, some Docs that hurt my feet – they might have been a bad decision. And an oversize hoodie I got from Download!"