The Vancouver trio stride into view with cool assurance, backlit by blue light, and are greeted with a colossal applause. They dive straight into the initially ethereal Circle With Me, but when Courtney LaPlante unleashes her first screams, it is impossible to witness without your jaw dropping.
However, it's slightly later, during Blessed Be, when they really detonate. Spiritbox pause in the middle of the song as the crowd's roar fills the silence until the sound blasts from the speakers again, and it hits the ears like a wrecking ball. Later, the sonic earthquake that is Holy Roller has everyone moshing so ferociously that dust from the ground floats in the air, and the security guards are kept rather busy having to catch all the crowd-surfers. It finishes all too quickly, with closer Eternal Blue biting hard in a beautiful way when placed in a live setting.