Gerard Way is among the voice cast for a Dungeons & Dragons pinball game
My Chemical Romance singer Gerard Way joins the likes of Michael Dorn and Kevin Smith in the voice cast of the new Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyrant’s Eye.
Take our money!
If you want your wardrobe to reflect your excitement over My Chemical Romance reuniting (!!!!) you’re in luck! In addition to the huge announcement about their first show together in seven years, My Chemical Romance have also released a new line of merch to celebrate. Their official website is now stocked with several different T-shirts, a tank top, and a hoodie.
What’s especially cool about this new line of merch is that, in addition to the new logos they started teasing on social media today (What could it mean?! A new album? More shows?! Who knows?!) they also released a couple of vintage designs, with logos from The Black Parade and Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge eras.
Check ’em all out:
In case you somehow missed the news, today My Chemical Romance announced that they are playing one show together (but who knows, maybe more) at Shrine Expo Hall in Los Angeles on December 20. Now if you'll excuse us, we're busy setting our alarms for tomorrow, November 1 at 12pm PST so we can buy tickets.
Best of luck to all of you in that digital queue!