The fresh approach to which Anthony speaks is present throughout GEL’s 5K-rated debut album, Only Constant. As expected there are some proper hardcore ragers – opening track and recent single Honed Blade, for instance, is guaranteed to incite chaos in the pit – but so too do GEL use their LP to try out different ideas. Closing song Composure is their take on a hardcore epic, which slowly rides its groove out to a gloriously distorted conclusion, but the most interesting moment comes sixth on the tracklist, where the band take a step back and allow fans to share their grievances on Calling Card. The results are fascinating.
“I was bored one day and thought it’d be cool to set up a number and have people leave us messages,” Anthony remembers of how it all came about. “Then, when we were making the record, we thought we’d put it together. When we heard it, we all instantly agreed that we couldn’t imagine the record without it. The whole thing felt special and the messages really resonated with us – particularly those who were speaking passionately about their problems with, and love of, the hardcore scene.”
With Only Constant out in the world to rave reviews, attentions in the GEL camp are now turning to a packed schedule for the remainder of the year. A tour of the U.S. with Drain and Drug Church is booked, as are a number of festival slots, including Outbreak on these shores. For Anthony, things feel pretty great. And getting back out on the road is only going to make GEL even more determined to keep changing hardcore for the better.
“We’ve hit so many accomplishments this year already, and the remainder is shaping up to be chaotic, but really cool. Honestly, we’ll just be happy to continue touring this thing as much as we can and keep doing what we’re doing, because we really believe in this.”
Only Constant is out now via Convulse. GEL play Outbreak Fest this month. This article originally appeared in the summer issue of the magazine.