Album review: Arch Enemy – Blood Dynasty
Swedish metal aristocrats Arch Enemy keep thrashing on with merciless 12th album Blood Dynasty.
For International Women’s Day 2022, Arch Enemy’s Alissa White-Gluz celebrates all women in rock and metal and looks to a brighter, more equal future.
The beast is feared, the beauty revered. These are two opposite ends of a balance resting on a fulcrum of perception; mutually exclusive characteristics – or so we think. The metal world is proving just how possible it is to be both beauty and beast simultaneously, and I am honoured to be among such inspiring women in our metal community.
This International Women’s Day we are focusing on Breaking The Bias: shattering the idea that one’s gender has any correlation whatsoever with one’s intelligence, talent or abilities.
We are a communal species, we thrive in herds, our sight is our primary sense, so it is no wonder we cast judgement on others – whether conscious or not – based on their outward appearance. Women have long been the muse for many artists, but we are also artists ourselves. Women often define cultural beauty, but we are stewards of culture as well.
We all know powerful, compassionate, intelligent, funny, savvy women who deserve special recognition today, so let’s celebrate breaking the glass ceiling and a future of equal opportunity where a person is defined by who they are, rather than what social box they fall into.
Hats off and horns up to you all!