Features 11 American Punk Labels That Changed The Genre ForeverThe groundbreaking, taste-making record labels that made punk rock it is today
Features What Role Do Record Labels Play In 2020?As online portals change the release strategy game, what is the function of a record label these days?
News Jason Butler Launches Artist-Oriented Collective 333 Wreckords CrewFEVER 333 frontman Jason Butler has launched an artist-oriented collective/label called 333 Wreckords Crew
Features 11 American Record Labels That Made Us Fall In Love With Heavy MetalCheck out our list of labels whose rosters, missions, and legacies made us proud to throw the horns.
Features 11 American Post-Hardcore Labels That Established The GenreLove your music experimental, emotional, and scathing? Here are some U.S.-based labels that made post-hardcore what it is today.