The inhabitants of Mega City One (Dredd’s colossal stomping ground) have a few other profanities too, with ‘stomm’ essentially doubling for ‘shit’, “Grud damnit!” and “Jovus!” replacing gentle blasphemy, and ‘spug’ occasionally subbing for ‘drokk’ as another ‘fuck’-double. Portishead’s Geoff Barrow released an album called Drokk: Music Inspired By Mega City One, which given the word’s in-universe rudeness, probably wouldn’t have been allowed if Geoff actually lived there.
When 2000AD writer Alan Grant (nothing to do with the Jurassic Park palaeontologist of the same name) began working for DC Comics, he gave the (extremely metal) character Lobo several cheerfully silly fake rude catchphrases, including “Feetal’s gizz!” and “Bastich!” (Side note: 2000AD artist and Lobo co-creator Simon Bisley’s first paid work was a Kerrang! shirt). Another 2000AD strip, Sinister Dexter, introduced the word ‘funt’, either a subtle nod to the creator of Candid Camera or a clever hybrid of the f- and c-words.
Fake swearing isn’t just limited to humans, either. Heartbreaking bunny rabbit epic Watership Down features several terms in the lapine language, created by author Richard Adams as rabbits’ ancient tongue. This includes “Hraka!”, which means ‘shit’. The Nome King from the Oz books exclaims “Hippikaloric!” at one point, which is apparently shockingly obscene.
‘Smeg’, from Red Dwarf, is of course the greatest fictional swear word in the world. Short, simple and disgusting, coming from biological origins we really don’t need to delve into here, it has almost certainly both sold a lot of expensive fridges to Red Dwarf fans and put a few off them.