
Parkway Drive Are Playing The Long Game

The Aussie metal dudes spent a lot of last year preppin' something huge...

Parkway Drive Are Playing The Long Game

It's been three years since Ire came out. In the meantime, Parkway Drive have poured a lot of their energies into touring and playing hard around the globe. So they ain't been slacking, but when we caught up with them just before Christmas we discovered exactly why new music is taking a while.

"It's not so much that it's been difficult to create," vocalist Winston McCall told us. "But [a new album is] something we want to put a lot of effort into. We're not a band that can say, 'Right, we're going into the studio for a month, and then come out with a record.' It takes us a while to write and these days we're aware of what time and space we need to do these things."

While early 2017 was spent touring, the band did dedicate a lot of the rest of the year to working on new material. And it promises to be worth the wait.

"This was the first time in the band's career that we saw the potential to create something bigger than we've done so far," the frontman explains. "Everything we're doing now is stepping towards that goal."

Better yet, the band aren't just concerned with what's immediately in front of them. This time, Parkway Drive are thinking big.

"There's a longer-term plan in place for what we want to achieve. For better or worse, it takes a long time to craft our music."

Okay then, we'll let you off for now, lads. Just don't leave us hanging too long, please. While we wait, why not remind yourself just why we're itching for new music so much with a refresher view of the video for Bottom Feeder and a play through of the brilliant Ire, below.

Don't forget, this is just a sample of the kind of thing you're missing out on if you're not picking up Kerrang! every week. Our latest issue - featuring all this Parkway content and more - is on sale in shops now and can be ordered online through Newsstand. Get yours now!

Pic: Ben Wrigley

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