
Listen to One Step Closer’s anthemic new single, Dark Blue

One Step Closer have dropped a huge new single, Dark Blue, which tackles “conflicting moments in time”.

Listen to One Step Closer’s anthemic new single, Dark Blue
Emily Carter
Spencer Chamberlain

Following last year’s debut This Place You Know, One Step Closer are back with brand-new music.

The band’s anthemic new single goes by the name Dark Blue, and, according to Ryan Savitski, it represents a personal moment of conflict…

“Earlier this year while driving through the Pacific Northwest, I was struggling with how much we were about to be touring this year,” the vocalist shares. “As much as I was excited, I was just as much scared of how the dynamic of my life at home would change. I almost felt like people would forget about me for some reason, or relationships would change while being away.

“Through these thoughts, I found comfort in looking out the window of the van and seeing things I never thought I’d ever see. While simultaneously turning my head to see some of best friends who I get to experience this life with. It made me feel conflicted. Potentially lose the people you love at home, to do the thing you love just as much. This song represents those conflicting moments in time.”

Listen below:

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