FEVER 333 reveal first headline run since last year’s cancelled world tour
FEVER 333 have confirmed that they’ll be back onstage in several months’ time for a “concentrated series of West Coast summer functions”.
Jason Aalon has announced the cancellation of FEVER 333’s 2024 world tour, admitting that he has become “deeply depressed at a time where one would expect to be excitedly anticipating the release of a new album and a tour to support it”.
FEVER 333’s impending world tour – which was due to wrap up in the UK at the end of this year – has been cancelled.
Frontman Jason Aalon has taken to social media to share a painfully honest video explaining that he’s “been faced with my most significant and challenging struggle with depression”, and needs “to delve into the root cause of my sadness” (transcribed via Lambgoat).
In a clip entitled, ‘I appreciate this opportunity to be honest with you. Thank you,’ the singer begins by stating that he’s “admittedly a bit uncomfortable and afraid” about delivering this news, and shares that, “In a rather unusual turn of events, I became deeply depressed at a time where one would expect to be excitedly anticipating the release of a new album and a tour to support it.”
While it seems as though the release of that record, DARKER WHITE, is still going ahead on October 4, its accompanying tour has been scrapped – not only due to Jason’s depression, but also due to the fact that “the mental period of anguish eventually devolved into physical ailments, and that affected not only me, but my family, my friends, and everyone around me, and that caused a pretty obvious turning point”.
In the Instagram comments on Jason’s video, many peers have shared their support, with Enter Shikari writing “love always brother”, Jacoby Shaddix posting “Love you Jason”, Jenna McDougall replying, “Sending strength and healing energy. Nothing matters more than your wellbeing and quality of life right now,” plus loads more.
Kerrang! would like to echo these sentiments, and send our love to you at this time, Jason.
Mental health is a topic Jason also touched upon in his Kerrang! Cover Story last month, explaining that his current mindset was “not necessarily helpful” for his desire to send powerful messages through art.
“Me being less motivated to get out of bed and do or say something is not helpful,” he explained. “Me not being able to be an enthusiastic father to my children, who I want to see grow up and see the world as a beautiful place, isn’t helpful.”
He added, “I would really like to highlight in this interview, if we could, the emotional element of activism, but also just the emotional element of existing in such a fucking fractious and divided world.
“I need to be here right now to realise that my unhappiness is because I forgot who I was for a second. So I need to find myself to be happy again. And I want to be happy, which I’m not right now, but I want to be. Others may not want to join me, and at that point, it falls on me to make sure that I’m happy, that I’m content, and that I know that I’m doing whatever I believe is important and an effort for fulfilment and to be of service.”