When you first found success, did you enjoy it?
“Yeah, it was great. I mean, we had a top five single with the song Buck Rogers, which was crazy. But there was a lot of work that happened before then. We got a lot of attention from the rock press with [1997’s debut album] Polythene. But with Buck Rogers it was something else entirely. Suddenly you could buy our albums in supermarkets. We went from being a rock band who had this cult following, to that. But that song was bizarre. I never expected it to be that successful. It was a different level.”
In 2002, Jon Lee took his own life. Looking back at that event, do you now recognise signs that he was not well?
“It’s such a difficult thing. I think sometimes it’s the people you least expect to be going through something that are doing so. Obviously I’ve lived with what happened since [2002], and I still think about Jon a lot. He’s kind of constantly around me in some way. I still think about [what happened] and sometimes I’m okay with it, and other times it’s really hard. But the signs weren’t there. At the time, Jon was living in America so I didn’t really know that side of his life. I just didn’t. I knew Jon really well, and we could argue like cat and dog, but because we were so close the next day it’d be forgotten. But I think the constant travelling back and forth between here and America to see his kids – and at the time I didn’t have kids – was hard for him. I think he felt pressure to be around for his kids, to make money for them from the band, and I think he found that really hard.
“But he was never really down, so there were no obvious signs. Being in a band is not easy sometimes, but even now I don’t see any signs that led to it happening. Of course there’s so much in the press now about people who suffer from depression, especially in the music world, and we know that you can have all the money in the world and still be troubled. Sometimes it’s just there inside you. But there is a part of me that thinks that Jon had something in his mind that meant that he did that, full hog. But there’s another part of me that wonders if he really did want to do it. Does that make sense?”
It does.
“I mean this is so hard for me to talk about. But Jon called me before he did it, and I didn’t take the call. If I’d spoken to him, could I have changed what happened? I don’t know. And that’s something that bugs the hell out of me, even now.”
Carrying that with you is a fool’s errand, surely.
“Yeah, because maybe it was just his way of saying goodbye. He left me a message on my phone and I didn’t erase it for ages. He just said, ‘G, hi, it’s Jon.’ He didn’t sound down or anything, which at least put my mind at rest that it wasn’t anything I had done that had upset him. There was something in there that just wasn’t responding to the pressure he felt. I think there’s probably more to it, and then again maybe there isn’t. He was such a funny and confident guy, but given what happened I wonder if he was really quite as confident and tough as he appeared to everyone else. I don’t know for sure, and it’s difficult to say. But the death of [The Prodigy’s] Keith Flint took me back to Jon, because of course people were wondering whether he meant to take it as far as he did. And that could have happened with Jon. Maybe he didn’t mean to take it that far, or maybe he did. I’ll never know.”