Read this: 10 of the best Corey Taylor guest appearances
"It's a long, long, long time coming, and really maybe it was one of those things where it took years of working and honing my craft to have, I guess, the confidence to be able to complete that song. So, yeah, this is a long, long time of waiting and piecing it together, and it feels awesome."
Detailing his selection process and why he chose to use these tracks for a solo project, rather than his other bands, Corey said, "I'm always writing. And it's kind of all over the page sometimes. Sometimes it's a risky move with both bands that I'm willing to take, and then there's some times where it's just, like, 'You know what? I don't even know where this fits. This has got like a Sweet/Slade vibe that doesn't really fit with either band.'
"I tried giving them to other bands, and some bands, it just didn't fit their vibe, and other bands, they're a little more just not into outside material. So I just have a surplus of songs, and it was just, like, 'Alright, I guess I'm just gonna use it."
Late last year (before coronavirus and tour cancellations/postponements, obviously…), Corey told Kerrang! of his solo venture: “…I’m also starting to get material together for a solo album that I’m going to record in 2021. I’ve got about 26 songs written for it. It’s going to be the best ’90s album ever. That’s the only way I can really describe it. Some of it is a reflection of being sick and tired of this nutless rock’n’roll I’ve seen lately that is real soft. I like my rock’n’roll to kick me in the fucking nuts. That’s just me though, I’m a fucking dick!”
Quiz: How well do you know Slipknot’s lyrics?