They’ve already got a bunch of live dates lined up for 2025, but it looks like Nova Twins could be releasing a new record this year, too.
The duo – Amy Love and Georgia South – have taken to social media over the past couple of days to share a few different snapshots of butterflies on a blue background, all with the caption ‘2025’. Is this a glimpse of some new artwork, perhaps, for the follow-up to 2022’s massive Supernova?!
When we spoke to the band in winter 2023, they told us that things were going well in the studio, though Georgia admitted that their forthcoming third record actually “feels like our second album. Supernova felt like a debut, because our actual debut was kind of swallowed by COVID.”
And then, chatting to Kerrang! last October for National Album Day, Amy said that Nova Twins see themselves as an “album band” rather than focussing on singles, explaining that, “It’s not to say that we wouldn’t ever just release a single. I’ve got nothing against that. But I think an album is definitely a landmark. It’s a goal, and you feel like you’ve really achieved something once you get over the hurdle.
“When we first go into writing an album it’s always a bit scary, and it’s a little bit, ‘Oh God, where do you start?’ It feels like such a big task, but when you accomplish it, and you look back on everything you’ve done, and all the emotions, the blood, the tears, the sweat, the lows, the highs that go into it, it really is worth it. You’re able to give your listener more than just a sound bite. You’re able to give them something more. It’s a real story, it’s a real picture, and it can last for half-hour, an hour, or however long you want it to last for.
“We always want there to be something in there for everyone, because we’re all human. We all feel everything. So we try our best to be as honest as we can, and we hope that listeners can get something from it, especially if we haven’t had a record for three years! You can’t just come out with a single after all that time.”
Interesting! Check out the recent Insta posts below: