Musically, Cannibal is an album every bit as intense as the subject matter that fills it. The aforementioned Choke absolutely explodes from the speakers with a beast of a riff and a low, heavy breakdown. Elsewhere, The Grey (VIXI) has a wonderfully dynamic ebb and flow between the slamming grooves and its more melodic passages, and you can already see in your mind’s eye the circle-pits that the fast and raw Imposter will no doubt inspire.
And when it comes to the vocals, it should be noted that at this point, Dani and Jason have one of metalcore’s best vocal partnerships. The interplay is spot-on, and the whole band excel in making that transition from the rampantly heavy to the clean and smooth sound effortless, with soaring choruses floating gloriously from the melee. And amongst it all, as Dani examines himself and the world, he does so not through anger, but with frustration, and with the passion of someone who genuinely cares about what he’s saying, and wants to break things to bring about positive, real change.