That’s great when the songs are as irresistible as sassy, piano-driven openers Tell Me I’m Alive and Modern Love (Alex Gaskarth even showing his new-found maturity on the latter by backing out of a lyric about masturbation halfway through). But when the song quality dips below that high bar, you’ll notice moments that seem more influenced by Maroon 5 (New Religion) or Ed Sheeran (Calm Down) than blink-182.
If that leaves you wishing for a good, old-fashioned blast of pop-punk juvenilia, fortunately the heady rush of Kill Ur Vibe and English Blood, American Heartache show ATL can still match the new breed when they put their minds to it.
That ensures there are more than enough bangers here to gatecrash the next-gen pop-punk party playlist. But Tell Me I’m Alive signals that All Time Low are now all grown up with somewhere else to go.
Verdict: 3/5
For fans of: Mayday Parade, You Me At Six, Elton John
Tell Me I'm Alive is released on March 17 via Fueled By Ramen