According to the people who claim to be his messengers on earth, God is pissed about rock music. From the moment that guitars, drums, bass and vocals were joined together, representatives of the major religions have decried the resulting music as blasphemy and have done their best to curb any chance young people have of enjoying it. Whether it's burning CDs, rallying to government to shut down concerts, or just posting up outside of an in-store appearance with a homophobic slogan on a sign, those who claim to be Heaven's messengers will always find a righteous way to attack an art form that inspires only joy.
But while religion has disliked rock'n'roll as a whole for ages, certain artists have become the ultimate scapegoats of those doing the Lord's work. These musicians have angered church-goers so much -- whether with insensitive quotes, satanic imagery, or the implication that they might occasionally have sex -- that their work and/or live shows have been banned (sometimes, they've even been held at gunpoint). For the sake of celebrating these rabble-rousers, we put together a list of those artists against whom religion has raised its torch and pitchfork the highest.
Here are 10 artists whose songs, concerts, or very presence were banned by the church...